Humanity declares war on its children

After WWII, a good many people wondered why nobody had put a stop to either Hitler or Stalin, the two greatest butchers of history up to that point, before they could accomplish their wicked designs.

 At Doha in 2023, the petrostates and corporations gathered with the clear intent of deploying their own ‘weapons of mass destruction’ – oil, gas and coal – against every child yet to be born in our world. Of the 97,000 delegates who attended, the majority represented either petrostates or fossil fuel companies and those who support them.   The host country, the tiny oil-producing United Arab Emirates, had the largest contingent  of 4,400 representatives. Men still outnumbered women two-to-one.

The chairman of the conference, UAE’s Dr Sultan al-Jaber, used his position to ridicule calls for an end to the use of fossil fuels, after he was detected by a BBC investigation plotting to use the conference as an opportunity to sell more oil and gas to 13 countries. This included UAE involvement in sales of natural gas from Australia, Canada and Mozambique. To which the UAE retorted that “private talks are private”.

In stark contrast, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres called for a phase-out in the use of fossil fuels and stronger commitment all round to hold the world below the +1.5 degrees danger mark. He urged young people to “Keep up the pressure. Keep pushing. Keep holding leaders accountable.”

It may be too late. On Nov 17 the world’s surface temperature hit +2 degrees above pre-industrial levels for the first time in history and +1.96 degrees on Nov 26. These are single-day temperature anomalies, but the trend is unmistakeable. With 2023 forecast to be the hottest year ever recorded, we are on track to take Earth above the +1.5 degree target in less than ten years.

These numbers throw the cynicism, disinformation and sabotage of the petrolobby at COP28 into stark relief.  They are using world talks designed to promote climate action as a springboard for the release of fresh carbon emissions that may claim, not thousands, not millions, but tens of millions of human lives. They know it and we know it. They simply do not care.

The World Health Organisation warned recently that 3.6 billion people already live in regions afflicted by climate disasters, and deaths are conservatively estimated to increase by 250,000 a year to 2050.

And what do the governments of the world intend to do about it? Double world fossil fuel production, that’s what. At least, they intend to increase their oil production by 110% over the level essential to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees – and by 69% over the level needed to keep it below 2 degrees. “Governments are literally doubling down on fossil fuel production; that spells double trouble for people and planet,” commented Guterres.

According to a recent estimate, somebody will die for every 1000 tonnes of fossil fuel burned. By 2050 deaths from fossil fuels will be nearly 50% greater than the annual death toll in World War II. This makes it plain that war has been knowingly declared on all future humanity. Our children are its main victims. This is a moral dereliction without precedent in history, exposing what a vicious species we have become.

If climate were the world’s only problem, this would be bad enough. But there are nine other major risks to human civilisation. Together they add up to the greatest threat humans have ever faced in three million years of our existence. These threats cannot be separated, or dealt with singly. Some of them are even deadlier in impact than climate, though they receive much less publicity. And, in many cases, industry, wealth and governments now work hand-in-glove to make them worse.

One answer, for all those who do not wish to be destroyed by this evil confederation, is an Earth System Treaty, a global legal agreement signed and ratified by all the decent people and countries left on Earth to save a habitable planet for our children. An agreement with the power to rein in the wreckers, state or corporate. The reasons for such a treaty are many – but one thing is clear: without global agreement to overcome our existential crisis, nothing can prevent it. The petrolobby and its puppets will see to that.

Thanks to their continued sabotage of the last, best hope for humanity exemplified at COP27 and COP28 it is clear that the petrolobby is willing to sacrifice a habitable Earth and its young people to their ungoverned lust for short-term riches. Riches that will vanish as soon as the global economy collapses. 

Now is the time for all good citizens of Earth to stand together, speak out and act to prevent the ruin of our world.

The people who are causing it must be brought to justice for crimes against humanity before they can inflict mass harm on our children.

2 thoughts on “Humanity declares war on its children

    This is from an article in WND EXCLUSIVE by Alex Nolan.

    The paper, published recently in the journal “Environment Pollution and Climate Change,” was written by Ned Nikolov, a Ph.D. in physical science, and Karl Zeller, retired Ph.D. research meteorologist. The new paper, headlined “New Insights on the Physical Nature of the Atmospheric Greenhouse Effect Deduced from an Empirical Planetary Temperature Model,” argues that greenhouse theory is incorrect.
    It states that All observed climatic changes have natural causes completely outside of human control. It was published July *, 2017. Instead, the earth’s “greenhouse” effect is a function of the sun, and atmospheric pressure, which results from gravity and the mass of the atmosphere, rather than the amount of greenhouse gases such as CO2 and water vapor in the atmosphere.
    The paper, published recently in the journal “Environment Pollution and Climate Change,” was written by Ned Nikolov, a Ph.D. in physical science, and Karl Zeller, retired Ph.D. research meteorologist.
    The new paper, headlined “New Insights on the Physical Nature of the Atmospheric Greenhouse Effect Deduced from an Empirical Planetary Temperature Model,” argues that greenhouse theory is incorrect. “This was not a pre-conceived conclusion, but a result from an objective analysis of vetted NASA observations,” Nikolov told WND.
    The real mechanisms that control the temperature of the planet, are the sun’s energy and the air pressure of the atmosphere. The same applies to other celestial bodies, according to the scientists behind the paper.
    To understand the phenomena, the authors studied three planets – Venus, Earth and Mars – and three natural satellites: the Moon of Earth, Titan of Saturn and Triton of Neptune. They chose the celestial bodies based on three criteria: having a solid surface, representation of a broad range of environments, and the existence of reliable data on temperature, atmospheric composition and air pressure.
    “Our analysis revealed a poor relationship between global mean annual temperature] and the amount of greenhouse gases in planetary atmospheres across a broad range of environments in the Solar System,” the paper explains.
    In essence, what is commonly known as the atmospheric “greenhouse” effect is in fact a form of compression heating caused by total air pressure, the authors told WND in a series of e-mails and phone interviews, comparing the mechanics of it to the compression in a diesel engine that ignites the fuel. And that effect is completely independent of the so-called “greenhouse gases” and the chemical composition of the atmosphere, they added.” Hence, there are no greenhouse gases in reality – as in, gases that can cause warming,” Nikolov said when asked to explain the paper in layman’s terms.
    Based on their findings, “Humans cannot in principle affect the global climate through industrial emissions of CO2, methane and other similar gases or via changes in land use,” he added. “All observed climatic changes have natural causes that are completely outside of human control. For the first time, Nikolov said, there is now empirical evidence from NASA data that the greenhouse effect of the atmosphere is not caused by the trapping of heat, but by the force of atmospheric pressure, the weight of the atmosphere.
    Professor Philip Lloyd with the Energy Institute at South Africa’s Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) expressed support for the paper. Nikolov’s work is very interesting, and I think the underlying physics is sound, but “slightly more than half of all climate scientists have just a bit of doubt about the hypothesis that ‘human-made carbon dioxide causes global warming” “However, the doubters face the question, if not carbon dioxide, what does cause it?” noted Lloyd, who served as a professor at the Agricultural University of Beijing and was nominated by the UN IPCC in 2007 as part of the team to share the Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore. Nikolov and Zeller may have found the answer – the sun. Nikolov said. “We have known for some time that solar activity and global temperatures are highly correlated, but correlation and cause are not the same.” Nikolov believes that they have managed to link the two in what seems to be a scientifically sound manner.”
    One important element to note is that their theory has made predictions about the surface temperature of other bodies in the solar system, that means the theory can be tested.
    “One of the reasons why many of us have doubts about the carbon dioxide hypothesis is that it, too, makes predictions, and many of those predictions have turned out to be wrong, so it is really nice to have something else we can test, rather than trying to tweak the carbon dioxide hypothesis to make it fit the facts better.
    Emeritus Professor David South of Auburn University, who has testified before Congress on issues related to atmospheric CO2 concentrations, first learned in 2012 of the “new discoveries” made by Nikolov and Zeller. He arranged for Nikolov to speak to the Faculty at Auburn University to introduce them to a paradigm-shifting discovery. Using Ned and Karl’s simple equation, people can now accurately predict the average temperature of many planets by just knowing two things, the total surface atmospheric pressure and how much sunlight reaches the atmosphere,” he explained.
    Thanks to the groundbreaking research by Nikolov and Zeller, we know more about our Earth than we did a few years ago,” he concluded. But of course, it will take time for the new knowledge to catch on and become accepted. South also quoted physicist and Nobel Prize laureate Richard Feynman, who said: “It does not make any difference how beautiful your guess is, it does not make any difference how smart you are, who made the guess, or what his name is – if it disagrees with experiment, it is wrong! That is all there is to it.”
    Another prominent expert who suggested the new paper was important and needed to be considered was Nicola Scafetta, a professor at the University of Naples Federico II.
    Another scientist who highlighted the potential significance of Nikolov’s and Zeller’s findings was Gary L. Achtemeier, a retired federal research meteorologist. He noted that the geophysical heating mechanism proposed by the two scientists – the pressure produced by the atmosphere – explained the entire temperature difference between the Earth and the moon. Combined with an earlier paper published by Nikolov and Zeller (under the pseudonyms Volokin and ReLlez), Achtemeier said the findings “challenge the foundations of the current climate theory. If the results withstand what is sure to be fiery scrutiny, then the global warming hypothesis, alarmist hysteria, 97 percent consensus, political movements, and climate treaties are reduced to hogwash,” the retired meteorologist concluded.
    Other scientists declined to comment on the study itself, but did point out that they did not believe man’s CO2 emissions were responsible for the observed variations in climate. John Casey said, “Years ago I decided to concentrate on the sun’s role in climate variation, especially since CO2 and in particular, the CO2 caused by man, has little to do with the ups and downs of climate.” He is a longtime climate researcher and former NASA scientist, who is now the president of the science and engineering consultancy Veritence Corporation. “Therefore I don’t get involved in wasting my time in debating CO2 climate impacts.”
    Physicist Gordon J. Fulks, PhD, for example, said the paper is “interesting” and “may have some value.” Fulks said that with the amount of time available to him prior to publication of this WND article, he would not be able to do a careful review and draw any solid conclusions. Even though it can be shown that man-made CO2 is very clearly not the culprit that explains current climate behaviour. Dr. Fulks said it cannot yet be known definitively which phenomenon might be dominant in terms of driving changes in climate.
    Lord Monckton, who has been a major figure in the global climate debate told WND at a conference in Montana that he and a group of other experts were about to publish a new paper on climate that would have major implications. The new study, he explained, will expose a crucial mathematical flaw in the current narrative of “climate alarmists.” He said the results had already been confirmed by a government laboratory.
    It seems that a small majority of scientists do not agree with the current IPCC belief that man made CO2 is responsible for global warming and at least some believe that this paper could be the answer.
    I would be interested in knowing if you had heard of this, and what your response is.

    Rev Frederic J Richter,
    The Liberal Catholic Church of Australia.
    I live and work on the lands of the Bindal and Wulgurukaba peoples. I acknowledge them as the traditional custodians and pay my respect to their elders past, present, and emerging. I pledge to work towards a united and peaceable future.


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